Production process

Production Process and IPR-status

  • Bioskiva has its own Biogas plant and prototype pellet production system.
  • Algae has so far been produced by the research collaborators. Bioskiva is now building a prototype, labscale of a photo bioreactor for the production of algeas at his own farm.
  • The EU7 prosject EcoBug was terminated as planed February 2012 and all the production equipmwnt used was transfered to Bioskiva and they have accordingly the capacity to produce pellets for Trials.


  • The IPR is owned 100% by Bioskiva AS
  • A European patent application for the concept -algae and fertilizer pellets from biogas plants as a repellent was filed in December 2011 and was granted by EPO by the end of 2014




-Product and concept

  • Both greenhouse and outdoor field test have been performed with algaes coated pellets produced from the bio rest from anaerobic digested cattle manure
  • Test results showed spectacular reppelent results:
  • Greenhouse experiments showed a   66-77% inhibitaion of egg-laying cabbage root flies
  • Field trials in Spain and Hungary (2011) showed a 100% repellent effect on the cabbage root fly and no damage was observed on the cabbage roots
  • The test results showed very good fertilizing effect:
  • 50% increase in yield/ha- Savoy cabbage in Spain
  • 20% increase in yield/ha- White cabbage in Hungary
  • 80% increase in yield/ha- Kohlrabi in Hungary
  • Field tests report available on request

Production process


The problem

For all Brassica: Delia radicum, roots are eaten by larvae and plants often die


Manure from lifestock & food waste


Biogas plant 

Biogas plant fiber from biogas production



Algae patented insect repellent, Pellets production at biogas plant all over Europe


Insect repellent and fertilizer

>99% manure from EU < 1 % algae- from No/EU


Impact Eu farmers

Increased Yield <50% in average
fieldtests ie 1395 mill Euro/y to Brassica growers
EU Society - reduced health costs due to reduction of 19148 tons insectsides used:

9 billions €/y for Brassicas alone estimates giving by reasarch.

hence 324 mill €/y 

Reduced enviromental costs- not calculated so far.